Nexium Esomeprazole Magnesium and/or alternatives

Product / Manufacturer
Quantity / Price (USD)

Nexium 20mg

Manufacturer: Astra Zeneca Source Country : Turkey
Shipped from : Turkey

Nexium 20mg

Manufacturer: Astra Zeneca Source Country : United Kingdom
Shipped from : United Kingdom

Nexium 24HR 20mg

Manufacturer: Pfizer Canada Inc Source Country : Canada
Shipped from : Canada

Nexium 40mg

Manufacturer: Astra Zeneca Source Country : Turkey
Shipped from : Turkey

Nexium 40mg

Manufacturer: Astra Zeneca Source Country : United Kingdom
Shipped from : United Kingdom

Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg

Generic Alternative to Nexium 20mg
Marketed as Sompraz in India Manufacturer: Sun Pharma Source Country : India
Shipped from : India

Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg

Generic Alternative to Nexium 20mg
Marketed as Ran-Esomeprazole in Canada Manufacturer: Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Source Country : Canada
Shipped from : Canada

Esomeprazole Magnesium 40mg

Generic Alternative to Nexium 40mg
Marketed as Ran-Esomeprazole in Canada Manufacturer: Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Source Country : Canada
Shipped from : Canada
  • What is a Generic?

  • This item requires a prescription from your doctor

  • All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Please note that the source country, shipping country and/or manufacture may vary depending on availability.

Description of Nexium

The generic name of the drug is Esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate. It belongs to a group of medicines known as proton pump inhibitors. Nexium is available in the form of an oral tablet and in a sachet containing granules for oral suspension. The drug is a prescription medication which means you are required to consult your doctor before you buy Nexium online in any form.

Indications & Dosage of Nexium

Nexium is indicated in treatment of reflux oesophagitis. It is also used to treat other medical conditions caused by excessive stomach acid. The drug is also used to prevent gastric ulcers caused by the use of NSAIDs or infection with helicobacter pylori.

The drug works by blocking the action of proton pumps found on cells of stomach lining which produce stomach acid. This action of the drug reduces the production of stomach acid.

The dosage of Nexium depends on the medical condition that is being treated and its severity. The usual recommended daily dose of Nexium tablets is 20mg or 40mg. Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water, do not chew or crush it.

The usual recommended daily dose of Nexium sachets is 10 - 20mg. The contents of sachets should be dissolved in non carbonated water before consumption. You should mix 10mg of Nexium sachet contents in 15mL water and 20mg of Nexium sachet contents in 30mL water. Drink the suspension within 30 minutes after preparation.

Side Effects & Interactions of Nexium

Nexium may cause mild to severe side effects in some people. It is not necessary that every person taking the medication will experience some side effect. Many people using Nexium do not complain about any side effects.

Less serious side effects associated with Nexium: diarrhea, dry mouth, headache, stomach pain, drowsiness, constipation, or gas. These side effects wane with time as your body gets used to the medication. if any of these side effects become bothersome or stay for long time then you should consult your doctor.

Severe side effects associated with Nexium: feeling jittery, cough, dizziness, jerking muscle movements, confusion, uneven/fast heart rate, muscle cramps/weakness, seizure, limp feeling or choking feeling. Stop using the medication and seek medical attention immediately if you experience or notice any severe side effects after taking a dose of Nexium.

Nexium may interact with other medicines you are using and cause side effects. It may interact with medications such as Diazepam, medications used in treatment of fungal and bacterial infections, Phenytoin, medication used in treatment of depression, Cisapride, St. John’s Wort, HIV medications, Warfarin, Methotrexate, Digoxin, Erlotinib or other cancer medications.

Before you buy Nexium tell doctor about every medicine you are using which includes prescription medications, over the counter drugs and herbal supplements.

Warnings & Precautions of Nexium

You should not use Nexium if you are allergic to any ingredient in it or hypersensitive to Esomeprazole, Mebendazole or Albendazole. It may not be the right medication for people with specific medical problems such as low magnesium levels in the blood, or severe liver disease.

Nexium is listed in category B pregnancy medicines. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and women planning to get pregnant or breast feed should learn about the risks and benefits of using the drug from their doctor and then buy Nexium.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All medical content is supplied by a third party company who is independent from this web site. As such, this web site can not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, and /or medical efficacy of the information provided. In all circumstances, you should seek the advice of a health professional pertaining to drug, treatment and/or medical condition advice. Note that not all products are shipped by our contracted Canadian pharmacy. This website contracts with dispensaries around the world that ship products directly to our customers. Some of the jurisdiction include but are not limited to United Kingdom, Europe, Turkey, India, Canada, Vanuatu, Mauritius, and USA. The items within your order may be shipped from any one of these jurisdiction depending on the availability and cost of the products at the time you place your order. The products are sourced from these countries as well as others. Please note that the product appearance may vary from actual product received depending on availability. The content above has been supplied by a third party who is contracted to, and also independent from, this web site. This web site cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or medical efficacy of the content provided. It is suggested that you always seek the advice of a health professional for treatment, drug or medical condition advice.

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