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- Glucophage XR
Glucophage XR Metformin Hydrochloride ER and/or alternatives
Glucophage XR 500mg
Marketed as Glucophage SR in European Union Manufacturer: Merck Serono UK Source Country : United KingdomShipped from : United Kingdom
Glucophage XR 750mg
Marketed as Glucophage SR in European Union Manufacturer: Merck Serono UK Source Country : United KingdomShipped from : United Kingdom
Glucophage XR 1000mg
Marketed as Glucophage SR in European Union Manufacturer: Merck Source Country : United KingdomShipped from : United Kingdom
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 500mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 500mgManufacturer: A UK MHRA approved Generic Manufacturer Source Country : United Kingdom
Shipped from : United Kingdom
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 500mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 500mgMarketed as Exemet SR in India Manufacturer: Cipla Source Country : India
Shipped from : India
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 750mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 750mgManufacturer: A UK MHRA approved Generic Manufacturer Source Country : United Kingdom
Shipped from : United Kingdom
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 850mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 850mgMarketed as Exermet ER in India Manufacturer: Cipla Source Country : India
Shipped from : India
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 1000mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 1000mgMarketed as Dibeta SR in India Manufacturer: Torrent Source Country : India
Shipped from : India
Metformin Hydrochloride ER 1000mg
Generic Alternative to Glucophage XR 1000mgMarketed as Metformin SR in European Union Manufacturer: A UK MHRA approved Generic Manufacturer Source Country : United Kingdom
Shipped from : United Kingdom
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This item requires a prescription from your doctor -
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Please note that the source country, shipping country and/or manufacture may vary depending on availability.
Description of Glucophage XR
Glucophage XR is an oral medication with the generic name Metformin. It belongs to a group of medicines known as hypoglycemic drugs. Glucophage XR is available in the form of an extended release tablet formulation. It is supplied in three dosage strengths- Glucophage XR 500mg, Glucophage XR 750mg Glucophage XR 850mg and Glucophage XR 1000mg. The drug is a prescription medication, so you need to consult your doctor before you buy Glucophage XR online.
Indications & Dosage of Glucophage XR
Glucophage XR is indicated in the treatment of high blood sugar levels caused by type 2 diabetes. The medication is only a part of the treatment. Diet and exercise regimen are other components of the treatment. Your doctor may also recommend other diabetic drugs along with Glucophage XR.
Metformin, the active ingredient in the medication, improves glucose tolerance by lowering postprandial plasma and basal glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes. It also reduces hepatic glucose production and decreases glucose absorption by the intestines. This helps improve insulin sensitivity and improves utilization of insulin by the body.
The dosage and strength of Glucophage XR will be decided by your doctor. You need to follow the instructions given by your doctor while taking the recommended dose. The recommended dose is generally taken after evening meals. Swallow the Glucophage XR tablet whole with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew it.
Side Effects & Interactions of Glucophage XR
Like all other medicines, Glucophage XR may also cause mild to severe side effects in some patients. However, not all people who use this medication experience side effects. As a matter of fact, many people who use this drug do not complain about any side effects.
The less severe side effects associated with the medication include: stomach upset or pain, diarrhea, indigestion, gas, temporary metallic taste, headache, vomiting or nausea. Consult your doctor if any of these side effects become bothersome.
Some people may also experience severe side effects such as chills, unusual drowsiness, persistent sore throat, persistent stomach discomfort or pain, unusual weakness or tiredness, irregular or slow heartbeat, muscle weakness or pain, or chest discomfort or pain after taking Glucophage XR. Stop using the medication and consult your doctor if you experience severe side effect after taking a dose of Glucophage XR.
Glucophage XR may potentially interact with other medicines you are using and cause side effects. It may interact with drugs such as Calcium channel blockers, Quinidine, Triamterene, Digoxin, Amiloride, Vancomycin, Procainamide, Cimetidine, Trimethoprim, Quinine, Ranitidine, or some corticosteroids.
Before you buy Glucophage XR, inform the doctor about all drug therapies you are currently using, or have used in the recent past, which includes prescription drugs, over the counter medications, and herbal medicines.
Warnings & Precautions of Glucophage XR
You should not use Glucophage XR if you are hypersensitive to any ingredient in it. Before starting the treatment, inform the doctor about your medical history of lung or heart problems, breathing problems, bowel or stomach problems, pituitary or adrenal problems, thyroid problems, or lactic acidosis.
Glucophage XR is listed as a category B pregnancy drug. Pregnant women, nursing mothers or women planning to get pregnant should buy Glucophage XR only after learning about the benefits and risks of using the drug from their doctor.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All medical content is supplied by a third party company who is independent from this web site. As such, this web site can not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, and /or medical efficacy of the information provided. In all circumstances, you should seek the advice of a health professional pertaining to drug, treatment and/or medical condition advice. Note that not all products are shipped by our contracted Canadian pharmacy. This website contracts with dispensaries around the world that ship products directly to our customers. Some of the jurisdiction include but are not limited to United Kingdom, Europe, Turkey, India, Canada, Vanuatu, Mauritius, and USA. The items within your order may be shipped from any one of these jurisdiction depending on the availability and cost of the products at the time you place your order. The products are sourced from these countries as well as others. Please note that the product appearance may vary from actual product received depending on availability. The content above has been supplied by a third party who is contracted to, and also independent from, this web site. This web site cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or medical efficacy of the content provided. It is suggested that you always seek the advice of a health professional for treatment, drug or medical condition advice.